June 27, 2014

a little family update

This summer is passing so quickly, and I can't believe it's already almost July! Several weeks back I quit my transcribing job to focus more on working on my etsy shop and being with Jo. It was really such a needed change for Jo and me, and I have found myself to be much less stressed recently. I am still working on finding ways to promote my shop and get the word out about it, as I just started it at the beginning of the year. I did a fun little giveaway with the Wifessionals Blog and several other shops, which helped a bit. And now, I am just continuing to come up with more ideas for the shop and promote it! I really enjoy working on the signs and being creative in that aspect.

There are some of the wooden signs I have done recently for my shop.

Philip is still working at CAN Capital as an Underwriter. He's really great at his job, and he likes it enough for the time being. He is still in school, although he did take this summer off so that he could see us a little more before he starts fall semester. For now, his major is still International Affairs. Somehow he finds the time to juggle all he does and be an amazing husband and daddy. Our little Jo just adores him! (And so do I)

And Jo is still just as cute and sweet as ever! She is 8 months old and growing so quickly I feel like I can barely keep up. We love her! <<See the previous 8 month post for the full update on her>>

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