June 19, 2014

8 months old

Dear Jo,

How in the world are you eight months old already!?? Time is flying by so quickly, and I just wish it would slow down so I could soak up your sweet little baby self right now for just a little longer. I love watching your personality develop. You are such a sweet, easy-going, goofy, happy, single-minded, beautiful little baby. You love to just sit and observe everything and everyone around you (just like your mama).Whenever we are out and about, at a relative's house, at church, etc. people always ask me if you are always so easy going. And my reply is always the same, "pretty much!" Haha. You seriously are such a sweet little thing. And you always know exactly what you want, and you will let us know with your reaching arms and little squeals and growls. Or if something gets taken away from you that you really want but aren't supposed to have you are sure to let us know by throwing yourself out, arching your back and crying. That's super fun. Haha. You smile all the time at everyone and love to laugh, but you don't like to be tickled. Whenever we try to tickle you at first you start to laugh, but it quickly turns into a half laugh half cry. But you love when we make goofy noises at you and when we "get you" by coming towards you slowly and then getting you. You still HATE removing or putting clothes on you. Whenever we do so it sounds like someone is torturing you. You aren't crawling or even army crawling yet. You continue to just roll everywhere, but it does look like you'll be crawling any day now. You will scoot your little bum up in the air and are trying so hard. You just haven't quite figured it out yet. And still no teeth. I'm okay with both of those things for now. I will enjoy the no crawling and no teeth while it lasts. You LOVE food. The only thing that we have found that you don't like so far is plain yogurt, which I don't blame you. That stuff is nasty. So, we mix it up with your fruits or veggies and you'll eat it that way. Your favorite foods are sweet potato, butternut squash, pears, and carrots. You like everything else as well, you just seem a little more excited and eat a little more vigorously with those. It's so cute to watch you eat. When you want another bite you open your mouth so wide and you look like a baby bird. You LOVE to dance. If there is any sort of music on or if anyone starts singing you will bob your head and bounce up and down to the music. It is so sweet. You LOVE to be with your cousins. You love watching them and talking to them, especially Liam. You just stare at him and are always trying to grab him or touch his face. You want to join in so badly as you watch them run around and play together. One day! We have been to the pool a lot this summer, and you love to get in the water and splash. You have also fallen asleep with me holding you in the water several times. You seem to find it soothing. You are definitely an outdoors girl. You LOVE to sit outside and just look at everything around you. You are still sleeping through the night and you are usually napping twice a day at this point. Sometimes you will wave to people, which is so adorable. And you have been such a mama's girl lately, and I have been secretly (or not so secretly) loving it!

You are growing like a little weed, and I feel like you are learning and doing new things daily! I love to watch you learn and grow and I am so grateful to be your mama!


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