October 19, 2014

one year

Dear Jo,

A year ago today I met you for the first time. You were so fresh and new, but over those first few days spending hours looking at your face and into your eyes it was like remembering an old friend. I know, without a doubt, that we knew each other long before that first meeting. This past year has had its difficulties, learning how to navigate life with a new little person to love and care for. But honestly, as I think back over those twelve months all I can feel is complete and pure joy. You have filled parts of my soul that I didn't know existed. You have brought sunshine into my life where I didn't know there was darkness. You have healed parts of my heart that I didn't know were broken. You have brought love and laughter and happiness into our lives that I didn't know we were missing. I am beyond words as to how grateful I am that Heavenly Father entrusted us with you. You are such a sweet, special girl, and I know that there is much in store for you.

You are such a happy girl, always babbling and smiling with your little scrunched up nose. You point at everything these days and say "what's that?" (sounds like 'dat'). You love.love.love to read! Seriously, if all we did was read all day I'm sure you would be a happy girl. When we finish a book and you aren't done reading you start to whine until we pick up a new one. And I often catch you reading alone, flipping the pages and pointing at pictures and babbling. You still love.love.love stuffed animals. Nana bought you a little brown bear with a green ribbon around its neck, and you tug him around everywhere with you. We call him Tug, and you love that little bear so much. You sleep with him, give him lots of cuddles, and have full on conversations with him. You pull up on everything and walk along furniture. You think you're so big! You want to be walking so badly, but you generally only like to do it on your own along the furniture. You usually don't like it when someone holds your hands and walks with you. You can say mama, dada (often sounds more like ra-ra), bye-bye, what's that, and a few other little things. Your favorite foods are pancakes, eggs, peaches, chicken, and bananas. Not a fan of the veggies lately, and you are getting more picky. You still have stranger danger with those you don't know well, but you love being with those you do know well (grandparents, aunties, cousins). You love to play with your cousins. You get so excited when you see them! You still love to shake your groove thing like nobody's watching, and you have this new move that's pretty awesome. You get on all fours and go up on just your knees with your hands in the air and then fall back down - over and over and over again. Haha. You love to play peek-a-boo, and you have been such a cuddle bug lately. You still don't have any teeth, and you are still a big daddy's girl. But you have been a big time mommy's girl lately as well.

We are so happy that we have the privilege of being your parents and that we get to experience life with you as you learn and grow. We love you so much, baby girl! Happy first birthday!!


All pictures taken by Erni Family Photography

October 6, 2014

hello fall!

This was the first weekend that it felt like fall! FINALLY! So, naturally we busted out the sweaters and headed down to Burt's and Amicalola Falls. Jo picked out her first pumpkin. She was too tiny to go last year. And then we hiked, grilled, and picnicked at Amicalola. Such a fun Saturday!