July 19, 2014

nine months


Here we are again! Another month has come and gone. I feel like every morning when you wake up you have grown so much just overnight! You recently started eating more and more solids (as in not pureed). You LOVE to feed yourself. It is so cute to watch you pick little pieces of food up and feed yourself. Your pincer grasp is awesome! Your favorites at the moment are bread and bananas. You have started to not want to eat your veggies, even though we offer those to you first in hopes that you will eat them before you see the yummy stuff (aka fruits, yogurt, bread). We've been successful so far in getting you to eat most of your veggies at meal time, but I can foresee some difficulties with that as you get older. Haha. You continue to be the sweetest baby ever, and you're so smart! We've been working on clapping, waving, and signing for 'more' when you want more food. When you clap and sign it is usually one-handed, and it's so adorable. You LOVE when we read you books, and you love pointing to all the parts of my face and your face and saying the body parts. You think it's pretty funny. You love playing in grass and pulling it and trying to eat it. Although you do NOT like it when we tell you not to eat it. When you get upset you throw yourself backwards and push your legs against the ground so your body goes up and down. We call you a little bucking bronco. You are starting to feel some stranger danger when someone you don't know or aren't used to holds you. You will start to fuss and reach for either me or daddy. You continue to fill our home and hearts with so much love and happiness, and we can't imagine life without you!

Happy nine months, baby girl! We love you!


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