June 7, 2013


it has been quite some time since i have even thought about this little blog of mine. so much has happened since my last update, and life has never been quite so good. a little over a month ago, i finished my last (what?!??) semester of school and attended graduation on may 16th. i wasn't initially planning on walking, but i decided to do it, and i'm glad i did because it really made the fact that i was done feel more real. this last semester of student teaching was definitely exhausting and a lot of work, but i was blessed with such a sweet and silly group of 3rd graders that made the whole experience worthwhile. they, along with my wonderful CT, helped me so much as i worked to become the kind of teacher i want to be.

i suppose i should also mention that one of the reasons student teaching was so exhausting the majority of the semester was not just from all of the work i had to do. philip and i received some exciting news in february...that we are expecting a baby!! and we couldn't be more thrilled. and what's more, we also learned the gender of our little peanut a few weeks ago. we are having a girl! again, we could not be more thrilled for the good news and can't wait to meet our little one in a few months. [due date is october 10]

i know i'll want to remember little things from my pregnancy in the future, so i figured i'd document a few things while i am still going through them/can still remember.

  • how we found out: i had been extremely tired for a few days and had lost my appetite.  nothing sounded good to me, no matter what philip offered to make or go pick up. i just thought i was sick from all of the stress/craziness of student teaching, but philip mentioned that we should take a pregnancy test. i told him no, that i was not pregnant, but he insisted. well, sure enough that night we took one. he was the first to see the results, and his face lit up, and he had the biggest grin on his face. i knew as soon as i saw his face. :)
  • cravings: surprisingly, i haven't had many cravings, except for one strange night when i wanted phil to go get me some fritos (weird).
  • aversions: food aversions, on the other hand, were quite plentiful in the first trimester. at first i only wanted foods that were super bland- potatoes, french fries, bread, etc. then as the weeks went on, the aversions would change. luckily, however, i have been able to eat most foods since those early weeks.
  • morning sickness: yes, mostly during the first trimester. i was nauseous pretty well all day every day for several weeks (which made student teaching a blast at times), so that was loads of fun. but since around week 14 or 15, i have been just fine. i just have to be careful not to gag myself on my toothbrush in the mornings and at night (ha).
as i go through the last half of my pregnancy, i'll try to remember to get on here and update more often. in other news, philip and i went to myrtle beach a few weeks ago with his family. it was so fun and a much needed break (and ending) from work and school! i also just recently started up a new job, working from home. i am so incredibly blessed to have found this job (through my wonderful sister), so that i can stay home with baby girl when she gets here and still be bringing in some income! i will try to update with some pictures sometime in the near future.