August 16, 2012

excited for school?

I never thought those words would ever come out of my mouth. But what can I say, these last two weeks at work have been nothing less than completely exhausting. We are a little understaffed right now, and I have been working overtime like you wouldn't believe. I love my little peanuts at work, but ALL DAY with them is, like I said, completely exhausting. I get home from work, eat dinner, and totally collapse. Last night Philip had scouts (he teaches Webelos), and when he was on his way home at 8:30 he called to make sure I was still awake and asked me to please wait until he got home to fall asleep. Haha. How sad is that. So with classes starting, my hours at work will be cut in half. Hence, the reason I am excited for classes to start! :) Pathetic, I know.

Other than that, life has been grand as usual. I am TOSSing this semester and definitely have some mixed feelings in regards to my last little leg of school. I am excited that I am so close to graduation (May 2013!!), but a little nervous about what these last two semesters have in store for me. I guess all I can say about that is, bring it on!

p.s. I am anticipating not being able to update too frequently with the gobs of homework that I'm sure are soon to come.

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